Thursday, December 23, 2010

Whats New With You??

No one can deny that Christmas is almost here.  In Michigan were buried in snow eagerly anticipating the coming of a rather large man in a red and white suit.  But before I get ahead of myself here is a quick recap.  Tokyo was AMAZING!! I want to live there!!! I loved everything from the people to the culture.  There were of course a few negatives but nothing I can really dwell on.  It was such an awe inspiring experience and I am so grateful I was chosen to go. 

I was crazy and decided to take two classes….so my homework load is now crushing me alive.  I have some character designs but I’ve been working really slowly. 

 Although I have been drawing allot more.  When I got back was very jet lagged…fell asleep on the couch for 3 hours.  My dad arrived back from China on Thursday and on Saturday was our Christmas party.  Spent time with some friends, did lots of cleaning, worked on character designs….that was my first week back.  Second week is almost over, had the neighbors over for drinks and such last night and a friend over Tuesday.  Worked my butt off on some Christmas presents…while watching the lunar eclipse….and that’s been week two. 

Tomorrow is Christmas eve which means!!!!   Today is Taylor Christmas shopping day!! That’s right the day before Christmas Eve my family goes out and does ALL their Christmas shopping! Its crazy but its allot of fun!! Oh also saw Tangled....LOVED IT!! Have yet to see Tron Though. >.> So Happy Holidays everyone!! And if I don’t update again Happy New Year as well!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pretty Big In Tokyo (Part 2)

Sorry I haven’t updated been having an absolutely stunning time in Japan.  So this will be another large update!!
Okay so Friday was OMG Hiroki Mafuyu at TCA!!! HOLY COW!! This guy rocked my socks off!!  He gave us some great advice plus showed us the originals of some of his artwork! What an AMAZING artist.  We then got to sit in on one of the classes he teaches at TCA!!!  (TCA IS SCAD Tokyo! Haha!) It was an unforgettable experience!! Then Jeremy, Steven and I made our way to Shibuya!  I have dreamed of going to this place for YEARS!! We saw Hachiko, crossed the giant intersection, had coffee at the Starbucks and bought art books!  Then to cap it all off I dragged them around the 109 building!! We decided to head back to Shinjuku for food and met up with Spalding.  We then had a grand ole time running around Shinjuku like fools.  One of the best days EVER!!

Saturday was the imperial gardens in the morning.  What a beautiful place and I can only imagine how pretty it would be in the Spring and Early summer.  Stunning!!  We then met up with Goto and Dove who took us to Jimbocho…kinda a disappointment.  Was promised awesome poster shops and lots of books….there were lots of books alright but not ones I was looking for and we only saw one poster shop and it failed.  Afterwards Jeremy and I headed back to Shibuya to explore some of the side streets and 109-2.  109-2 was hilarious as the top floors are mostly menswear and so the workers kept trying to get Jeremy to buy their clothes, even going so far as waiting at the top of the escalator!! Haha!

Sunday we attempted the fish market and failed.  It was closed! We then made our way to the zoo.  Probably my least favorite part of the whole trip, the animals were in such poor condition and I just kept thinking how the Detroit Zoo was a thousand times better.  Jeremy and I then attempted to see the cosplayers on the bridge in Harajuku…and again failed.  Most of the girls had gone home already as they had school the next day. However I did get some pictures.

Monday was DISNEY SEA!! BEST DISNEY PARK!!! It was soooooooo awesome!! Jeremy, Steven and I had a crazy fun time running around that place.  From exploding volcanoes, to Journey to the center of the Earth, to Indiana Jones, and Sinbad this place rocked my socks off.   And guess what Strawberry and Milk Tea popcorn are AWESOME!!

Tuesday was the National Museum.  What a beautiful museum, my second favorite on the trip.  From the history to the art this place had it all.  Plus I got to see original Hokusai works!!! My mind was blown!!  We also were allowed to go into the tea garden behind the museum which is usually closed this time of year.  Beautiful!!! I could have sat there and drawn for ages.  After that it was back to Harajuku for some clothes shopping.  Dragged Jeremy around again (he’s gonna be so sick of me by the end of this trip. >.>) .

Wednesday Oh lord Wednesday!!  GHIBLI MUSEUM!!!  My dreams come true.  This place was the god of Museums!!!  Original sketches from all the movies hung on the walls, stained glasses from the movies for the windows,  an original short you can only see at the museum and much much more!! Sadly pictures weren’t allowed inside but just trust me in that it was so beautiful I almost cried!!  After that Jeremy and I dragged Steven around Nakano showing our true geek to the extreme.  I swear we came close to cleaning out that place (well at least of the good stuff!!)


Thursday was the gravesite of the 47 Ronin.  SO COOL!!  It was a very pretty place and I felt so lucky to be able to visit.  Then Jeremy and I gave Cass the run around of Nakano and met up with Steven there.  We finished clearing the place out and then headed back to Shinjuku.  Hung around for a bit Harajuku again, got a crepe and an awesome bag then back to Shinjuku for some rest.  What can I say I’ve had an amazing time here and I can’t believe it’s almost over.  One more full day!   So we have class time with show and tell tomorrow morning, the free time, may go to the Square Enix store.  Then cramming things in suitcases, sleeping, and heading home.  This has been one of the most Amazing experiences I have ever had.  I really hope I get a chance to visit again and view more of the country and become more immersed in the culture but for now I feel sooooo incredibly lucky!!
