Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No End In Sight

Been awhile since i last updated and thought it was long overdue. So Midterms passed last week and the stress is still kicking....from editors day to housing issues i feel like i cant catch a break.  Not to mention the end of the quarter is three weeks away. >.<
 (All i wanna do is work on cosplay!! )
So classes so far-

Character Design and Storyboarding for Animation- This class, although ive had many friends in it, was not what i was expecting. The first projects having to do with character design i just couldn't get into and now were working on storyboards....god i hate storyboards.  The only thing i've liked that came out of this class so far is my pan. 

Principles of Screen Design- Going well so far.  Will do a big update on this class later with the videos and such.

Art of China- Loving this class. Great teacher.  Not much else to say there.

Editors day is coming up this weekend!! Working on allot of stuff for that including a new character and story I'm hoping to start releasing a comic page a week with....but it still needs allot of work yet.  Also redoing some pages from a comic i did for my Intro to sequential class.  The updated character designs.

Last but not least plugging away slowly at cosplay.  Getting pretty far on both of mine but dont mention Ezio.  Guess im just trying to finish mine so i can focus on that one. >.>

Luka- yet to do: Headphone modification, Arm bands, Vest Symbol and gem, Belts, Finish Skirt embroidery, Finish skirt bottom, socks, boots.

Time Skip Yoko- Yet to do: Chopsticks, Ponytail extension, Jacket, Shorts, Belt, Gun.

Ezio- Yet to do: Everything. T__T

Is it Summer break yet???