Sunday, July 17, 2011

Testing 1,2,3

Thought I would do a Cosplay update since i've finished sewing all my cosplays for Otakon!! Woot!!  Its coming up really fast and needless to say i am super excited!!
So without further ado-

Friday- Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!!

My favorite Anime Heroine.
She's such an AMAZING character.  She's confident in who she is, stands for what she believes in, will do anything to help and protect the ones she cares for.  Not to mention is able to take down a gunmen with her trusty rifle.
Yeah sure she may have the kiss of death but she knows when to mourn and when to move on.
I LOVE HER!! and am so excited to cosplay her!

Saturday- Luka Megurine from Vocaloid

My favorite Female Vocaloid.
What can i say....i love her design and the way her voice sounds. As she's a vocaloid i can't really say much on her personality as its left up to the fans. We are the same age though! XD
  So.... happy i got this done in time....was really worried i wasnt gonna make it.  Lots of detail work on this one.

Sunday- Catherine from Catherine

Man i love Atlus' designs....i mean i havnt even played the game yet!!
The temptress who lures Vincent away from his long time girlfriend and throws his life into a mix of confusion. Stay with what you know or move on to something fresh and new?

SOOO Excited for Otakon now!! Week and a half to go!! Now to get on the artwork for my table.  Wish me luck!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sniper Rifles and New Apartments!

Been awhile since my last update and LOTS of stuff has happened.  Now back in Savannah for the summer and been trying to get stuff done for Otakon as well as keep up with my homework.

Panty and Stocking in my New Apartment!
Lots of crazy things have happened though MY LITTLE SISTER GRADUATED!! (i feel really old!) but im so proud of her and the lovely young lady shes become!!  I know shes gonna do great in culinary school!!
Trav, Em and I After Em's Graduation
Have had a few scares with my grandparents.  Everything is under control there though (at least for now.)  I love them both dearly and hate it that im stuck here in Savannah when things go bad.  But at least everything is under control. >.<
Like last summer my family is under the threat of moving again.  Last year it was England this year New York.  I guess thats what happens when your dads a popular guy!!  Well at least he's popular in my eyes!! I mean come on he helped me build this awesome beast-
Yoko Rifle

Yoko Rifle

Ill do a big cosplay update later but im sooooo proud of this i couldnt wait to show it!! I mean come on is my dad AMAZING or what!!
Cosplay are coming along though.  Not going to be able to do Ezio as sadly my little brother got all grown up and responsible on me and got a he's not going to Otakon. T__T 
And my work for the artist alley is coming along slower than id like but at least i have a table!!

Lastly My mum was AWESOME and came down to Savannah a couple weeks ago to help me move into my new apartment!! I Love this place and i couldnt thank her enough for all her hard work!!

Awesome right!! Well sorry for the large update.  should be more regular now with con progress and such.